Return & Refunds

Can I return my online purchase for a refund?

We glad accept return, exchanges and cancellations, unwashed or unused items in their original packaging within 30 days.

All refunds are processed to the original order payment type.

How long will it take for my refund to be processed?

Please, allow a minimum of 7 business days for returns refunds to be processed. You will be notified by email once your refund has been processed.

Can I return my standard post online order and exchange it for another item?

Currently, we are only able to facilitate exchanges for items of an equal or lesser value via our online store. If the exchange value is higher, you will be refunded for the product and be required to repurchase. In store exchanges can all be performed in one transaction.

If you would like to return via our online store, here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Place a new order to purchase the new / correct product online.
Step 2: Post the incorrect item back with your proof of purchase, and include a note advising that you would like a refund.
Step 3: You'll received the new order shortly. Once we have received the return, you'll be refunded.

Shipping fees are non-refundable.